Access Life Assistance Foundation


Gift a smile today. Here’s how you can help –

Please read our Terms & Conditions before you proceed to donate.

General fund is created and maintained by our NGO to cover general expenses not specific to a project/cause/need. This helps cover expenses vital to the running of the organisation. Expenses such as administrative expenses, various overheads are paid from the general funds. We maintain a general fund to help meet the donation gap created when donors donate only to a specific project/cause/need or any unexpected expense which may arise during the course of running the organisation.

Your support here will help to provide of the children & their parents as they go to the hospital for chemotherapy treatment and then return back to the centre. On an average each family has to visit the hospital 4 times a week. The expenses under this plan consist of fuel cost, salaries of all drivers and servicing of our three vehicles. INR 5,000 supports the transportation of a kid for one month.

In a major city like Mumbai, accommodation is expensive and sustaining the rent of each of our patient care centres is a huge struggle. Take care of the cost of housing for our kids and their families at our centres by donating towards the rent of our centres. It costs INR 5,000 for all our families per day.

If you choose to adopt a family, the expenses covered would include all their requirements of housing, grocery, transportation, gas and water charges along with expenses incurred towards recreational activities & counselling. Donation under this plan will be acknowledged at the unit entrance in which the adopted family is staying by means of a board which will have the donor`s name. This costs INR 25,000  per month for a family.

Corpus fund implies the capital of an organisation. The funds that are donated under this plan are kept by us for the sustenance of our NGO. Corpus Fund is of paramount importance as it helps during times of distress. Only the interest/dividend earned from it is utilised for purposes of maintenance & emergencies. We are currently trying to build a corpus fund of 12 months of expenditure at Access Life, thereby ensuring a smooth functioning of the NGO. It will help reduce our financial vulnerability and thereby help us achieve our goals better. The minimum amount required for the same would be INR 50,000.

Providing a balanced diet to kids accommodated at our centres is one of the various ways Access Life supports the fight against cancer. You too could be a part of this journey- join our Meal Mate programme today! Meal Mate is exactly what it sounds like- an entire centre’s meal; sponsored by you, the mate. Each meal consists of chapatis, cooked vegetables, dal, and rice.

Join us in our goal towards a happy cancer-free life, today!

  • INR 1000 for one meal at one centre, for all kids
  • INR 4000 for one meal at one centre, for all families

To book a meal give us a
call at +91 80802 22377, or visit our website at


Cheque in name of "Access Life Assistance Foundation" to be couriered to the below mentioned address
Access Life Assistance Foundation, Chembur,Mumbai Bungalow No.6, Jolly Land CHS, Ghatla Village Road, Opp. Ratna Department Store Landmark: Near Maitri Park ST Stand, Chembur East, Mumbai- 400071.

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